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At First Presbyterian Church we dedicate ourselves to being a nurturing community of faith that loves God and loves our fellow human beings as we love ourselves, giving special attention to those whom Jesus called the least of these – the poor, hungry, sick, lonely, imprisoned, and oppressed. We have long played an important role in local outreach and service organizations in Auburn and Lee County. We are especially grateful to serve as a physical home and ministry partner to Presbyterian Community Ministry and Bravehearts Center for Place and Purpose, both of which serve some of the most vulnerable members of our community.



For more information about Mission ministries, contact Rev. Dr. Kathy Wolf Reed

Presbyterian Community Ministry

Founded by our church in 1968, Presbyterian Community Ministry (PCM) offers interest-free loans and grants to those in our community who need assistance with utility and rent payments or repairs to their homes. We continue to provide financial support, leadership, and office space for this ministry.

Bravehearts Center for Place and Purpose

BraveHearts Center for Place and Purpose is a joint outreach program of the First Presbyterian Church of Auburn and the Auburn University Social Work Program in the College of Liberal Arts. The program provides a place where individuals with disabilities are offered opportunities for continued growth in the areas of health and fitness, academia, life and job skills, community outreach, and creative arts exploration. It creates a place that is sensitive to the need for safety, the importance of belonging, and the benefit of consistent daily routine, and creates a purpose for those who would otherwise be excluded from full participation in the adult community.


First Presbyterian also partners in the ministry of other community outreach and service programs, providing our congregation fulfilling volunteer opportunities, as well as giving opportunities.

Habitat For Humanity and The WeHelp Coalition

We participate in the work of Habitat for Humanity through the WeHelp Coalition of Lee County. Eleven local churches join in building Habitat homes. Funds are raised through the annual Cookie Walk in December.

Living River

Living River is the Sheppards and Lapsly Presbytery camping and conference center offering faith-based youth camping and spiritual retreats, and the includes the Cahaba Environmental Center where thousands of youth are educated each year about the environment.

R.E.A.C.H. Community Respite Ministry

R.E.A.C.H. (Refresh, Encourage, Activities, Care, Hope) provides respite days for those with early to moderate memory issues and includes physical, mental, and emotional interaction with other participants and volunteers, as well as lunch.

Alabama Arise

Alabama Arise is a statewide, member-led organization advancing public policies to improve the lives of Alabamians who are marginalized by poverty. Members select their annual legislative agenda, focusing on the issues such as eliminating grocery tax, that matter most to alleviate poverty and its effects.

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Matthew 25 Congregation

Matthew 25

Matthew 25 Congregation

As a Matthew 25 congregation of the Presbyterian Church (USA), First Presbyterian Church of Auburn is committed to:

  • Building congregational vitality by challenging people and congregations to deepen their faith and get actively and joyfully engaged with their community and the world.

  • Dismantling structural racism by advocating and acting to break down the systems, practices and thinking that underlie discrimination, bias, prejudice and oppression of People of Color.

  • Eradicating systems of poverty by working to change laws, policies, plans and structures in our society that perpetuate economic exploitation of people who are poor.


Congregational Care

Congregational Care

Community Nurse
Faith Community Nurse

Faith Community Nurse Program -


Our Faith Community Nurses lead a health ministry that touches the mind, body and spirit through an array of services to our congregation, including –


  • Two trained nurses on staff

  • Blood drives

  • Flu vaccination clinic

  • Health education programs

  • Support for those facing medical concerns


Contact Faith Community Nurse


The Blessings Bunch


The Blessings Bunch helps to ensure no one feels isolated by illness, tragedy, or loss. So many in our congregation can share a time they have been lifted up in prayer or received a card when they needed it most. They organize meals – perhaps for new parents, or someone recovering from surgery, and they provide rides when needed, to doctor’s appointments or to church.

Sowers &

Sowers & Knitters -


More than 40 years ago, and inspired by John 4:36-38, a group of congregational ladies began sewing school dresses for young girls in need. Today, they continue their selfless service by providing infusion pillows to Spencer Cancer Clinic, pillowcase dresses to girls in Africa, blankets for the P.W. layette project, knitted caps for the homeless, and prayer shawls and quilts for our home-bound members.  

Get Involved

Volunteer Signups

Make a difference in our community through volunteering at First Presbyterian Church of Auburn. Sign up to work at Community Market, host Punch on the Lawn, acolyte, make dinner for our youth or college students, be a Lay Worship Leader, lead Godly Play, and more!

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