Sunday Services
In Person​
9:00 AM - Worship Service with Weekly Communion in Chapel (entrance on Thach Ave)
9:30 AM - Coffee, Donuts & Fellowship in Baird Hall
9:45 AM - Sunday School for all ages in Education Building
11:00 AM - Traditional Worship Service in Sanctuary
You may experience worship through video, posted on our site and YouTube channel, at 11 am on Sundays. The video will be live at 11 am, and a recording will be available after that time.
You may listen via radio on Sundays at 11 am at WQSI FM - 99.9.

Your First Visit
Thank you for considering First Presbyterian Church in Auburn for your worship. We hope you will sense God’s presence and experience a warm welcome from our congregation. Details of our Sunday worship are found below. If you have further questions prior to your first visit, please feel free to contact either of our Co-Pastors: Rev. Nick Reed or
Rev. Dr. Kathy Wolf Reed.
143 East Thach Ave, Auburn, AL 36830
Church parking is located directly behind our sanctuary and includes handicap spaces. Parking is limited in this lot, but you may also park in the following areas:
Auburn University parking lots - library parking deck, AU Conference Center and Hotel parking deck, Aerospace/Wilmore lot off Magnolia Ave.
Parking lot of Northcutt Realty on Gay St.
​What to Wear:
There is a wide variety in attire at First Presbyterian Church - from nice blue jeans or casual slacks to a suit and tie for men, and casual pants to dresses for women. We want you to be comfortable as you worship with us.
Children are encouraged to attend worship. Worship bags with quiet children’s activities that complement the weekly Scripture are available at the main entrances of the chapel and sanctuary. A nursery is located on the bottom floor of the education building in room 107.
Children from birth to three years old are welcome in the nursery, which is staffed by trained, CPR certified workers.
Children ages 3-6 leave worship following the “Word to Grow By” to attend Godly Play, our children’s church ministry, and may be picked up in room 104 at the end of the service.